Posts Tagged ‘Warmachine’

Darius… Done!

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

I have wanted to paint up Darius for a long time now, as he plays perfectly in the type of jack heavy lists I play – I even managed to get 3 games in with him on his first outing today, but went 1-2. He was a challenging model to paint, and is the best I have done so far in terms of blending my blues, and highlighting the edges.

He goes with the 3 Halfjacks I finished earlier, which you can see here.

My secondary army colour is red, and I am trying to minimize its use for my next few minis to see how it goes. The base is also still a bit shiny as I haven’t matte coated him yet.

The above picture links to a slightly larger version of the image if you want to see a bit more detail.



Strange Markers

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

First off, Liz and I are almost done a new travel blog post, this time about the Cotswolds in England. We are planning on doing several more posts to finish up our pictures of England and Scotland.

As for this update, I have finished painting up a few things. The latest edition of Warhammer 40K uses a lot of objective-based scenarios (where you fight over the spots marked by the objectives), so I have painted up 3 Chaos-themed objective markers. I don’t have background story for them yet, but I think the 4-way sign post might be ‘all ways lead to Chaos’ or something cheesey like that.

I have also been playing a lot of my Cygnar army for Warmachine lately (I am currently sitting 3rd in our league of 15 or so players), and I am really excited about my new list that will be revealed this weekend, which includes Captain Arlan Strangeways, warjack mechanic extraordinaire. I really enjoyed painting him up. I was finally able to buy the colours I needed for his face off of ebay. His pipe and the little dials and gauges on his chest and backpack were fun to paint.




Half-way There

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Just finished painting up the three little Halfjacks from Darius’ battlegroup (who will be done soon), and the mines that come with them. They can dig themselves into the ground to make mines, but spend most of their time fixing up my broken jacks. The last Halfjack can’t stand the site of the beheaded jack, which is leaking hydrolic fluid, and is running away :p




What a Wreck

Friday, February 27th, 2009

I created these wreck markers for my Warmachine Cygnar army using spare jack parts I ordered from the Privateer Press online store. There are 2 Heavy and 2 Light wreck markers for when my jacks take enough damage to be destroyed (like that ever happens).


I wanted to make them low enough profile so that you could stand other minis on them when needed, you can see that the top two have their parts ‘sunken in’. The bottom two aren’t sunken in as much, partly because I thought it would look better, and partly because it was taking too much time and effort (i.e. I am lazy), heh.

This was also my first attempt at ‘battle damage’ as seen on the leg.



My 2 Cents

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

I have just finished painting up 2 Cygnar Centurions. I started these a while back, but they sat around with just their basecoats for some time. It was an odd job to finish them up, as I have changed some of my techniques since, and it was weird meshing the two styles without totally repainting them. The metals, for example, are done in my old style with ink washes and Vallejo paints, but now I use Citadel washes and colours.

I felt it would be fun to post a pic of the Squire with his two bigger brothers :)

Also, I have created a painting log where I am tracking my completed projects and works in progress.




More Painting

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Hey all! First off, Liz and I still do have plans to post the rest of our UK tour pics, not sure when, but they are coming. :)

I have been able to continue painting on a regular basis, along with playing a decent amount of games lately. My Warmachine league play has been a lot of fun, but I haven’t yet played as much 40K as I would like. Now that I have my Rhino completed (my first ever vehicle), I will try and get some more games in. Also, I have provided a quick pic of the station setup I use for taking pics.

Cygnar (Warmachine): 

Chaos Space Marines (Warhammer 40K):



My Lightbox Setup: 



Painting Up A Storm

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

Happy New Year! We have taken a small break from posting for the holidays, but have plans to complete posts that will cover our fall tour of England and Scotland, so stay tuned. Today, I wanted to post an update with lots of pictures of one of the hobbies that has been keeping me busy since we landed in Toronto. I have started putting together a Warhammer 40K army of Chaos Space Marines, and have now painted up my first 500 pts (pictures below). I am also posting up my Warmachine Cygnar army (pictures taken by Jarrett Lee – thanks man!)

My plans this year are to play both 40K and Warmachine on a regular basis, while keeping to as much painting as I can. I have joined a local Warmachine league that starts this weekend (and goes for 3 months), and there are a couple of Games Workshops nearby (including a battle bunker with lots of tables), so finding 40K games should be easy. Woohoo!

Chaos Space Marines (Warhammer 40K):


Cygnar (Warmachine):

This was the first army I painted up back in Edmonton. I have a couple of Centurions almost done that will be completed once I get my Chaos Space Marines up a bit more in points.

That’s all for this week. Take care!
