Robin’s Painting Log
This is my painting log where I keep track of what I have painted, and when I got done each model. Not all models have specific completion dates listed, but they are all in chronological order. You can view my gaming blog entries for more info.
Currently Painting: Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, Tyranids, Dark Eldar
2012: (photos coming)
- spring 2012: Tyranids
- fall 2012: Chaos Daemons Herald of Khorne, Herald of Tzeentch, Horrors of Tzeentch
- fall 2012: Chaos Space Marines Maulerfiend
2011: (photos coming)
- winter 2011: Dark Eldar Warriors, Raider
- spring 2011: Dark Eldar Venom, Incubi, Urien Rakarth
- fall 2011: Dark Eldar Wracks and Haemonculi
Fall/Winter 2010:
- Nov 2010: Mantic Zombies x5 (that I am playing as Ghouls in a Vampire Counts Army)
- Nov 2010: Mantic Skeletons x5
Summer/Fall 2010:
Lizardmen army (full army shot):
- Chakax
- Skink Priest
- Cold One Riders
- Saurus w/ Spears
- Saurus w/ Hand Weapons
- Salamander
- Slaan Mage Priest
- Stegadon w/ Engine of the Gods
- Skink Skirmishers
Summer 2009 to Spring 2010:
Chaos Space Marines:
- Land Raider
- Chaos Lord (front, side, back)
- CSM Heavies (Autocannon and Missile Launcher)
- Lesser Daemons
- Obliterators
- Rhinos (one Khorne, one Black Legion Forgeworld doors)
- Berzerkers
- Defiler
- Objective Markers
- Plague Marines (full squad)
War of the Ring:
- Ent
- Army of the Dead (footsloggers and riders)
- Tau Firewarrior (orange)
- May 21: CSM Sorcerer (stripped, since my sealant frosted the paint job)
- May 7: 40K Daemon Bloodletter, Tyranid Hormagaunt (photos coming soon)
- April 15: CSM Plague Marines x5 (A, B, C, D, E)
- March 21: Cygnar Cpt Darius
- March 12: Cygnar Cpt Strangeways
- March 10: CSM Objective Markers x3
- March 3: Cygnar Halfjacks and Mines x3 (A, A close-up, B, C, Mines)
- Feb 26: Custom Cygnar Jack Wreck Markers x4 (2 light and 2 heavy)
- Feb 21: Cygnar Centurions (Centurion #1, Centurion #2)
- Feb 17: Cygnar Squire
- Feb 11: CSM Rhino
- Jan 30: CSM Champ w/Fist #2, CSM Nurgle Icon Bearer
- Jan 22: CSM Daemon Prince
- Jan 14: CSM Champ w/Fist, CSM Khorne Icon Bearer
- Jan 7: CSM Meltas x2, CSM x6
- Minion Gudrun
- Minion Alten Ashley
- Cygnar Stryker
- Cygnar Haley
- Cygnar Journeyman
- Cygnar Longgunners x8
- Cygnar Sentinel
- Cygnar Ironclad
- Cygnar Lancer
- Cygnar Charger