Touring Toronto
Howdy all! Liz and I have been on a world wind tour of Toronto this last week, and now that we have taken a few days for some down-time, it is high-time to post another entry. As usual, we love to see your comments, so please keep ‘em coming!
We purchased a City Pass at the start of the week, which gives you access to six Toronto tourist destinations for about half the regular admission price. A good deal, and even though they are touristy places, most have been a lot of fun, and served as a great excuse to travel to that part of Toronto and check out the feel of the area, along with seeing the attraction itself.
I have posted our pictures from the last week up on facebook. A couple of highlight pictures follow:
You can view the whole gallery here.
You can view the whole gallery here.
So far Toronto has been all that I hoped for in a big eastern city, I could see myself coming back here for a longer stay. However, at this point Liz and I are starting to feel the pull of other cities again, and I think we will probably head somewhere else in a few days, likely Montreal, although we aren’t 100% on that yet. So many great cities to choose from!
In Liz’s previous post, she mentioned walking home in one of Toronto’s fall rain showers. I had my little EeePC laptop in my backpack the whole walk home, and when we got back, it was quite wet. I let it dry out, but now it won’t turn on at all, so it must have shorted out and fried at some point. Not a major issue, but a good reminder that electronics, and laptops in particular, don’t mix well with water.
September 14th, 2008 at 3:01 pm
yay! Montreal! Come over here!
It looks like you guys are having a great time! I love your photos! Keep em coming!
September 15th, 2008 at 8:49 am
Robin, will you be able to get the straws removed from your nose ok?
Have fun you two, I love reading the blog.
September 21st, 2008 at 1:11 pm
When I need a good laugh…I find myself here. Those photos are great. The glass floors in the CN Tower remind me of a bar that Diarmuid and I would go to in Ireland. All the floors were glass and there were about 4 levels. Careful to the girls in skirts! You both look so rested and vibrant. Amazing what happens to your spirit when you travel! Don’t forget to find people to snap shots of the two of you together’re so cute together. They make for nice pics down the road.
September 23rd, 2008 at 12:52 pm
… and Montreal? We know you’re there!
September 23rd, 2008 at 7:05 pm
Hey – countdown to 32!! Are you enjoying fall foliage in the beautiful eastern Canada? Be careful or you will be swept up into the hoards of ‘leaf peepers’ (they travel by busloads from other places) just to see the reds.
September 26th, 2008 at 4:28 pm
Happy Birthday Robin!!!!!!!!!
Wow you two look like you are having a fabulous time. We miss you and check out the site regularily. Nice to hear that you still get to see the Oiler games Robin.
Liz, they way you describe things, truly gives me a feeling of almost being there with you. Thank you for that!
Chat to you soon!