Archive for March, 2009

Darius… Done!

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

I have wanted to paint up Darius for a long time now, as he plays perfectly in the type of jack heavy lists I play – I even managed to get 3 games in with him on his first outing today, but went 1-2. He was a challenging model to paint, and is the best I have done so far in terms of blending my blues, and highlighting the edges.

He goes with the 3 Halfjacks I finished earlier, which you can see here.

My secondary army colour is red, and I am trying to minimize its use for my next few minis to see how it goes. The base is also still a bit shiny as I haven’t matte coated him yet.

The above picture links to a slightly larger version of the image if you want to see a bit more detail.



Strange Markers

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

First off, Liz and I are almost done a new travel blog post, this time about the Cotswolds in England. We are planning on doing several more posts to finish up our pictures of England and Scotland.

As for this update, I have finished painting up a few things. The latest edition of Warhammer 40K uses a lot of objective-based scenarios (where you fight over the spots marked by the objectives), so I have painted up 3 Chaos-themed objective markers. I don’t have background story for them yet, but I think the 4-way sign post might be ‘all ways lead to Chaos’ or something cheesey like that.

I have also been playing a lot of my Cygnar army for Warmachine lately (I am currently sitting 3rd in our league of 15 or so players), and I am really excited about my new list that will be revealed this weekend, which includes Captain Arlan Strangeways, warjack mechanic extraordinaire. I really enjoyed painting him up. I was finally able to buy the colours I needed for his face off of ebay. His pipe and the little dials and gauges on his chest and backpack were fun to paint.




40K Battle Report: Chaos vs. Sisters

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

I had a great game today with a new friend I have met in Toronto, Adam. His Sisters of Battle against my Chaos Space Marines, a small 500pt battle. I thought I would try to do up a battle report, as I had my camera with me. Here goes :p

Sisters of Battle

Black Legion Chaos

The stage was set… my Chaos Space Marines led by a Khorne-marked Daemon Prince, and two small squads of Chaos Marines, one with an Icon of Khorne (transported in the Rhino), and one with an Icon of Nurgle. Both squads had an Aspiring Champ with Power Fist.

Sisters of Battle

Sisters of Battle

The Sisters army consisted of two Rhinos with 10-women squads each, along with Adam’s HQ choice (using the Celestine Living Saint model, but it was just a regular HQ of some sort, with a power sword).

Game On!

We rolled Capture and Control, with 3 objectives (luckily I had just finished making 3 objectives for my CSM), and the table-quarters deployment.

Here we go!

Here we go!

You can see the 3 objectives labelled above.

Sisters take on the Daemon Prince

Sisters take on the Daemon Prince

The first few turns saw the Daemon Prince head towards the Sisters, but unfortunately the Sisters responded by unloading both Rhinos… all twenty sisters disembarked and then took aim at the Daemon Prince with Melta and Bolter guns.

Daemon Prince needed to roll 3's... Fail

Daemon Prince needed to roll 3's... Fail

The first squad did two wounds to the Daemon Prince, leaving him at half life. The next round of firing landed three hits on the Daemon Prince… he of course needed to roll 3′s to save, and as you can see above, all three dice came up 2′s. No more Daemon Prince. He didn’t even get his claws dirty.

Sisters and Chaos Space Marines gets stuck in

Sisters and Chaos Space Marines gets stuck in

The squad of Chaos Marines with the Khorne icon (yay for extra attacks!) charged the Sisters to enact their revenge after the early decimation of the Daemon Prince.

Run away! Run away!

Run away! Run away!

After a few rounds of close combat, both sides had been whittled down, with only one squad of Sisters remaining, the Chaos Champ and Icon Bearer, and the Sisters HQ choice failing a morale check and almost running off the table in retreat. Unfortunately, the Sisters HQ choice rallied, and re-entered the fray.

Two Rhinos face off in no-man's land

Two Rhinos face off in no-man's land

Strategy tip 101: don’t bother ramming a Rhino with another Rhino when you are only three inches away. :) I wanted to try out the ramming rules, but since I didn’t build up any speed, I don’t even think we scratched the paint when we connected (there is statistically no way to do damage if you move less than nine inches. Now I know, heh.) I do think the airbags deployed, which means spending $$ getting the damn things repacked.

Mid-battle overhead shot

Melta gunner takes aim at enemy Rhino

Melta gunner takes aim at enemy Rhino

While all the action was going on near Objective #3, the Nurgle icon squad snuck down to Objective #2, and started taking pot-shots at the Sister’s Rhino. They stunned it once, but that was all. I am sending my Melta gunner back to sharp shooting school.

And stay down!

And stay down!

The close combat fighting went down to the wire. The only two combatants left where the Chaos Champ with Power Fist, and the Sisters HQ choice. As you can see, the Blood God was smiling as the Champ put down the Sister once and for all.

Game Over Man

I have only played 40K about five times, and almost every time the game has ended early at the end of turn 5. This time was no exception.

Troops claim the objective for the win

Troops claim the objective for the win

Final Result: Chaos wins! Objectives #1 and #3 where both contested, but the Nurgle icon squad camped #2 and claimed it uncontested, sqeaking out the win! Also, the only thing remaining of the Sisters’ army were the two Rhinos. A good day for Chaos!

Thanks for the game Adam – I had a *blast*. 


Half-way There

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Just finished painting up the three little Halfjacks from Darius’ battlegroup (who will be done soon), and the mines that come with them. They can dig themselves into the ground to make mines, but spend most of their time fixing up my broken jacks. The last Halfjack can’t stand the site of the beheaded jack, which is leaking hydrolic fluid, and is running away :p


